Начало IT in the press CNsys Услуги За услугата
Факултет по математика и информатика на СУ,  24 септември 2007

ПОКАНА за официалното откриване на Третата балканска конференция по информатика, BCI 2007

27.09.2007г. (четвъртък) от 9.30 часа в Аулата на СУ "Св. Климент Охридски"

            Удостояване със званието Dr Honoris Causa на проф. Марк Харис – това e едно от нещата, които ще се случат в рамките на конференцията, 27-29.09.2007г, София.

BCI 2007 е третата поред Балканска конференция по информатика след BCI 2003, проведена в Солун, и BCI 2005, състояла се в Охрид. Конференцията предоставя форум за дискусии и разпространение на научни постижения в областта на информатиката, подпомага сътрудничеството между учени от Балканския полуостров и извън него и стимулира млади учени от региона да представят свои изследвания и разработки. Провежда се по време на Дните на Джон Атанасов, които протичат под патронажа на Президента на Република България.

Организатори на конференцията са Държавната агенция за информационни технологии и съобщения (ДАИТС), Софийският университет "Св. Климент Охридски", чрез Факултета по математика и информатика (ФМИ), и Българската академия на науките, чрез Института по паралелна обработка на информацията (ИПОИ).

Конференцията се осъществява с подкрепата на Министерството на образованието и науката, компаниите Мтел, Фадата, Майкрософт и други партньори.

Събитието се радва на голям интерес от страна на академичната общност. Очакват се над 120 участника от над 15 страни. Броят на представянията, засягащи Съвременните информационни системи, Алгоритми и приложения, Комуникационни мрежи и грид-технологии, Софтуерни технологии, Информационна сигурност, надвишзва 80. В програмата са включени и семинари, посветени на европейската технологична платформа за софтуер и услуги NESSI, на сензори за обработка на сигнали и изображения, на младите учени и технологиите в помощ на образованието, на учителя-новатор.

Сред поканените за откриването на конференцията официални лица са: президентът на републиката Георги Първанов, министърът на образованието и науката Даниел Вълчев и министърът на външните работи на Република България Ивайло Калфин, заместник-министърът на МОН Ваня Добрева, заместник-министърът на МОН Кирчо Атанасов, заместник-министърът на икономиката и енергетиката Нина Радева, заместник-министърът на икономиката и енергетиката Лъчезар Борисов, кметът на Столична Община ген. Бойко Борисов, председателят на Комисията по образованието и науката в Парламента Лютви Местан.

При желание за интервю, моля свържете се с:

Mария Кайтазова

[email protected], тел. 8161 589, 0886 505504.

За допълнителна информация:





BCI 2007 DETAILED PROGRAM 27-29 September, Sofia, Bulgaria

Wednesday 26.09.2007

16:00-19:00 Conference registration in front of Sofia University Aula (SU - Aula)

Thursday 27.09.2007

8:15 - 9:30 Conference registration in front of SU - Aula


Hall: SU – Aula


Official opening


Keynotes Session 1 Session Chair: Kiril Boyanov


Prof. Olli Martikainen - Productivity Improvements Enabled by ICT Based Process Transformations


Coffee break (in front of SU – Aula)


Prof. Otto Spaniol - Challenges for Future Wireless Mesh Networks


Lunch (Alma Matter Restaurant, Sofia University Rectorate Building)


SU – Aula

BAS - Main Hall

SU - Hall 1

SU - Hall 2

SU - Auditorium 65

Crystal Palace Hotel



Invited Session 1

Session Chair:
George Grigoras

Prof. Stefan Andrei

Incremental Verification and Debugging of Real-time Embedded Systems

Session 1 & Workshop 3:

GRID and Network Infrastructures

Workshop 5:

Multisensor Signal, Image and Data Processing

Workshop 7:

Teach UML: Teaching Software Modeling with Unified Modeling Language in Academia and Industry

Workshop 1:

Bridging the Digital Divide in South-Eastern Europe



Session 2: Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)

Session Chairs: Mirjana Ivanovic, George Totkov



Efficient NLP Tools for Generation and Recognition of Greek Word Dominant Semantic Combinations: S. Baldzis, E. Eumeridou, S. Kolalas



Ambient Learning: Supporting Complex Learning and Lifelong Learning of an Executive Education Center: I. Paraskakis



Coffee break (in front of SU – Aula and BAS - Main Hall)



Session 1 & Workshop 3:


GRID and Network Infrastructures

Workshop 5:


Multisensor Signal, Image and Data Processing

Workshop 7:


Teach UML: Teaching Software Modeling with UML in Academia and Industry

Scripting Argumentation in Technology-Enchanced Learning: A Proposed System Architecture: Y. Bouyias, S. Demetriadis, I. Tsoukalas

Workshop 1:


Bridging the Digital Divide in South-Eastern Europe



Cross-Border Collaboration between Greece and Bulgaria: The Use of ICT in Improving Social Medicine Education: S. Marolov, S. Konstantinidis, P. Bamidis, M. Nikolaidou, C. Pappas



E-Learning Environments In Medical Education: How Pervasive Computing Can Influence The Educational Process:
S. Konstantinidis, P. Bamidis



Poster Session 1 (TEL)

Communication and collaborative activities in open source e-learning environments: D. Tuparova, G. Tuparov

Metrics and Measuring Techniques for Aspectj Programs: S. Theodhor



Conference Dinner (Alma Matter Restaurant, Sofia University Rectorate Building)


SU - Aula

BAS - Main Hall

Crystal Palace Hotel


9:00 -10:00

Invited Session 2 Session Chair: Roumen Nikolov

Prof. Mark Harris - Innovation fueled Economic Growth through Technology Entrepreneurship Education

Doctor Honoris Causa Ceremony

Workshop 3 (continued):

GRID and Network Infrastructures

Workshop 1 (continued):

Bridging the Digital Divide in South-Eastern Europe

9:00 -11:15


Coffee break (in front of SU – Aula)



Keynote Session 2 Session Chairs: Roumen Nikolov, Iliana Nikolova

Workshop 3 (continued):

GRID and Network Infrastructures

Workshop 1 (continued):

Bridging the Digital Divide in South-Eastern Europe



Prof. Arndt Bode - Seamless IT Infrastructure for Universities of the 21th Century


Prof. Bertrand Meyer - Contracts: Concurrent and Sequential


Lunch (Alma Matter Restaurant, Sofia University Rectorate Building)



SU - Aula

BAS - Main Hall

SU - Hall 1

SU - Hall 2

SU - Auditorium 65

Crystal Palace Hotel



Invited Session 3

Session Chairs: Maria Nisheva,
Krassen Stefanov

Workshop 3:


GRID and Network Infrastructures

Workshop 9:

European C2i - European Digital Uses Certification

Workshop 4:

Multicore Programming

Workshop 1:


Bridging the Digital Divide in South-Eastern Europe



Prof. Ruslan Mitkov - Natural Language Processing (NLP) Technology for Generation of Multiple-Choice Tests


Prof. Pierre Tchounikine -
On Some Informatics’ Dimensions of Technology-Enhanced Learning Research: Examples from CSCL


Coffee break (in front of SU – Aula and BAS - Main Hall)



Workshop 8:

Young Researchers for the European Future of the Technology Enhanced Learning (Kaleidoscope NoE)

Session 3:

Software Technologies

Session Chair:
Yannis Manolopoulos

Session 5:

Advanced Information Systems

Session chair:
Nikitas Karanikolas

Workshop 4:


Multicore Programming

Session 4:

Knowledge-based Systems

Session Chair:
Maria Nisheva

Workshop 1:


Bridging the Digital Divide in South-Eastern Europe



Improving Accessibility of Data-Intensive Web Sites: An Example-Based Approach:
G. Eleftherakis, P. Marantelos

Enabling Semantic Matchmaking Of Web Service Descriptions In UDDI:
D. Kourtesis, I. Paraskakis

An Agent Based Approach for Pandemic Spread Prediction: A-M. Tarta,
G. S. Cojocar



Document Management Within Oracle WFMS – Upgraded Version: M. Kovacevic, Z. Putnik, Z. Budimac, M. Ivanovic

Using Change Request Generator for Change Request Specification at Customer Side: Z. Stojanov

Distance Learning and Foreign Language Teaching: M. Trajanovic, D. Domazet, B. Misic – Ilic



A Data Driven Approach for User Requirements Specification: T. Iliev,
G. Gachev, I. Nikolova,
A. Tzanavari

Thesaurus Integration In Question Answering:
N.V. Karadimas, N. Papastamatiou V. Loumos., J. Kontos, E. Malegiannaki,
E. Mantzari, Th. Alexandridis

LPMO: An Ontology for Learning Problems:
A. Nestoras,
S. Demetriadis,
N. Bassiliades



A New Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm in Aspect Mining:
G. Serban, G. S. Cojocar

Effectivity of Algorithms for Concurrency Control of Transactions in Distributed Database Management Systems, Opportunities of Assessing: S. Zhelyazkova

Logical Model of SWP:
A. Devreni – Koutsouki



A New Clustering Algorithm for Refactorings Determination: I.G. Czibula, G. Serban

Towards Storing and Interchanging Data Mining Models: D. Gorea

Poster Session 2
(KB Systems)

Interlocks for an Object-Oriented Control Engine: D.W.C.Finch, R. Ruelas, R.A. Santos, A.G. Potes

Reflections on Knowledge Systems – Myths or Reality: N. Frasheri



Steering Committee Meeting


Social events:


A walking Guided Tour in the city center combined with a visit to the National Archaeological Museum (see details below). The tour starts and ends at Sofia University main entrance.


Coctail (The Egg – Yaiceto - Restaurant, Sofia University Rectorate Building )


Researchers’ Night 2007 (see details below) in Aula, Sofia University Rectorate Building

Social events: Guided Tour and Museum Visit for BCI 2007 participants, 28 September, 18:00 – 20:00

The tour will start at the Sofia University main entrance and will include a walking round trip to old historical monuments in the city centre of Sofia, including:

  • the Place of National Assembly with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,

  • the Place Battenberg with the National Gallery

  • the Rotunda St. George and the Roman buildings in the city centre

  • the Place Alexander Nevski with the Cathedral and the Church St. Sofia

Within the walking tour a guided visit to the National Archaeological Museum is foreseen from 18.30-19.30 The visitors will enjoy the Gold of the Thracians and Proto-Bulgarians, as well as a lot of treasures and artefacts found on Bulgarian territory.

Researchers’ Night 2007, 28 September, 20:00 – 24:00

The Researchers’ Night 2007 is an open event, organized by 5 Bulgarian universities in the frames of the European Researchers’ Night Initiative (the first event of this type was organized in 2006). It includes a number of parallel events:

  • Music-poetry concert of researchers – with own poetry, music performances of researchers and a lot of fun...

  • Discover scientific traditions’ - includes an exhibition ‘Bulgarian traces in science’, and exhibitions of Bulgarian researchers "Academic teases. Drawn and rhymed cartoons of Ivan Haralampiev"and "To the physicians – with a smile"

  • Atelier of young scientists’ – exhibitions on the topic ‘Draw me a researcher’, photo exhibitions "Make your own research investigation discovering ancient history and archaeology", etc.

  • Touch Science’ will give opportunity to participate in hand-on scientific experiments guided by researchers (e.g. LabVIEW Based Temperature Measurement, Intelligent DC motor control, Four Digit Digital Counter)

  • European stand – with information on FP7 People program, ERA MORE


SU - Aula

SU - Auditorium 65



Invited Session 4 Session Chairs: Sylvia Ilieva, Roumen Nikolov

Workshop 2:

Innovative Teacher (I*Teach)



Prof. Ivica Crnkovic - Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Engineering: Similarities and Differences


Mr. Jos M. Cavanillas - NESSI Strategy: The Way Ahead


Coffee break (in front of SU – Aula and BAS - Main Hall)



SU - Aula

BAS - Main Hall

SU - Hall 1

SU - Hall 2

SU - Auditorium 65

SU - Auditorium 23


11:10 -13:00

Workshop 6:

NESSI European Technology Platform

Session 3A:

Software Technologies

Session Chairs:
Margita Kon-Popovska,
Costas Margaritis

Session 2A:

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)

Session Chair: George Eleftherakis

Session 4A:

Knowledge-based Systems

Session Chair: Iraklis Paraskakis

Workshop 2:


Innovative Teacher (I*Teach)

After lunch Workshop 2 continues in computer labs:

Lab 287 and Distance Education Lab

Session 6:


Session Chair:
Socrates D. Baldzis

11:10 -13:00


Investigating the Use of Patterns in Open Source Games: A. Ampatzoglou,
A. Chatzigeorgiou,
N. Samaras

Development of an Electronic Course Based on the I*Teach Methodology with the Use of the IMS Learning Design Standard: I. Naskinova

On Conjunctive Queries with Negation: V. Felea, M. Balta

Modeling Productivity Improvements In Healthcare Services:
K. Juntunen,
O. Martikainen



ISM: A Web Based Teachware Application: A. Dalaci,
M. Brumbulli, J. Elezi

Personalized E-Learning – Issues And Obstacles: Z. Putnik, M. Ivanovic, Z. Budimac

Towards Accumulative
E-Learning Systems
M.Sokolova, G. Totkov

Organizational Process Reformation:
K. Lindberg, O. Martikainen



MDAQuA: A MDA Based Paradigm of Analytical Software Quality Assurance: D. Macos, R. Petrasch

Building Re-Configurable Blended-Learning Arrangements:
L. Thomas, S. Trapp

Ontology Development for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Scripts: A.Papakonstantinou,
S. Demetriadis, N. Bassiliades

Design and Implementation of Collaborative Platform for Extended Enterprises:
D. Kabakchieva,
K. Stefanova, I. Popchev, R. Nikolov



Modelling Tactile Information Flow Using Ontologies: E. V. Myrgiot, V.G. Chouvardas, Amalia N. Miliou, M. K. Hatalis

Investigating Human Computer Interaction Issues in Designing Efficient Virtual Learning Environments: M. Fetaji, S. Loskoska, B. Fetaji, M. Ebibi

Strategic Model for Master of Science program "Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship": P. Ruskov, Y. Todorova, M. Harris

The challenges of the e-business development in Bulgaria: E. Gourova,
A. Antonova



Poster Session 3
(Software Technologies)

A Digital Map Software for Petrol Station’s Net of Tirana, Based on GIS - Oracle Spatial 10g Technology: E. Mee (Kajo), Y. uka

The Timing Attacks. Planning and Implementation: V. Kolev, S. Dimitrov

Usability of Virtual Learning Environment for learning Java programming language: M. Fetaji, S. Loskoska, B. Fetaji, M. Ebibi

Poster Session 4
(Knowledge-based Systems)

Journaling File Systems, Case Study: ReiserFS: R. Veisllari

Design and Implementation of Full Text Search over WebDAV Repositories: V. M. Ognjanovic, M. Lj. Gocic

How to Recognise and Deal with Information Risk:
S. Kekic, G. Rakic,
S. Dukic, G. Mijatovic


13:00 - 14:00

Lunch (Alma Matter Restaurant, Sofia University Rectorate Building)

13:00 - 14:00

14:00 –16:30

Workshop 6


NESSI European Technology Platform

Session 5A:

Advanced Information Systems

Session Chair:
Katerina Zdravkova

Session 2B:

Technology Enhanced Learning

Session Chair:
Ivan Koychev

Session 8:

Advanced Algorithms

Session Chair:
Krassimir Manev

Session 7:


Session Chair:
Milena M. Stankovic

Session 6A:

IST / Services / Security

Session Chair:
Socrates D. Baldzis

14:00 –16:30

14:00-14: 20

Architecture of Ontology Based Search Engine for Medical Domain: G. Rigopoulos, I. Keklikoglou, N. V. Karadimas, V. Loumos

Fuzzy Interval Numbers (FINs) Techniques and its Applications in Natural Language Quiries Processing and Documents Classification: Chr. Skourlas, Th. Alevizos, P. Belsis, K. Fragos, V. Kaburlasos, S. Papadakis

Comparing Several Optimization Algorithms for Municipal Solid Waste Collection: N. V. Karadimas, G. Defteraiou, M. Kolokathi, V. Loumos

Lorem Ipsum Logos:
P. Boytchev

Integration of Distributed Semantic Repositories in a Service-Oriented Architecture: G. Pavlov, B. Bontchev

14:00-14: 20

14: 20-14: 40

Generalization and Improvement of the System of Relational Data Warehouses Optimization:
G. Velinov, M. Kon-Popovska, D. Gligoroski

SimJ: A Simple Programming Language Build on the Polyglot Framework: E. Mee (Kajo), M. Brumbulli

Testing Almost Any Aspect of Students’ Assignments: I. Pribela, M. Ivanovic, Z. Budimac

Application of the Business Process Execution Language for Building Scientific Processes: A. Malinova, S.Gocheva-Ilieva

Applied Aspects of Data Mining for IT Security: V. N. Marinova-Boncheva

14: 20-14: 40

14: 40-15:00

Data Verification Using Shannon Entropy:
M. Balta, V. Felea

Towards Code Coverage Analysis For Aspect-Oriented Software: E. Mee (Kajo), S. Theodhor

An Approach To Universal Service Description Using OWL-S: M. Bratoev, B. Bontchev

Digital Lighting in Photorealistic Visualizations: V. Gueorguiev, D. Georgieva

Huskarl – Alternative Authentication and Key establish-ment for Bluetooth Devices: D. Penev, G. Eleftherakis, P. Argyroudis

14: 40-15:00


Service Discovery Based on Semantic Overlay Networks: Sh. Jiang, F. Arve Aagesen

Modeling and Statistical Processing of a Text Corpus Gained From The Web: A. Kadriu

Parallel Implementations of the Jacobi Linear Algebraic System Solver: A. Margaris, S. Souravlas, M. Roumeliotis

Fast Stereo Matching Using Rectification and Correlation Techniques:
B. io, I. Enesi



Coffee break (in front of SU – Aula and BAS - Main Hall)


15:50 -16:10

Workshop 6


NESSI European Technology Platform

Case Study: Performance Estimation of Hypercube Bitonic Sorting Algorithm Implemented With MPI Paradigm In An Experimental Cluster Computer: J. Ajdari

Agents As Rational Decision – Making Systems: A. Hyso, B. io

Poster Session 5
(IST / Security)

Secure e-banking in Greece: N. Karanikolas, G. Pentaris

Using Ad-Hoc Radio Communications to Prevent at Grade Crossing Accidents for Light Rail Passenger Trains: D. W. C. Finch, R. A. Santos, R. Ruelas, A. G. Potes



The Triple-DES Algorithm Implementation on an FPGA: B. io, F. Kraja

Textures in Realistic Visualization: between Art and Mediocrity: D. Georgieva, V. Gueorguiev



Awards announcement and Conference Closing


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